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Predictive analytics in recruitment can provide insights into the effectiveness of your recruitment and hiring efforts. More importantly, there is always shortage of talent in the increasingly competitive hiring environment and organisations has to rely on more agile method of talent acquisition if they want to get the best candidate. One example benefit is that predictive analytics can help the talent acquisition process by highlighting candidates that have a likelihood of switching jobs in a very near future.

Case Study

Selecting Candidate Using Big Data Analytics

Have you ever wonder if the employee that you are hiring fits into the working culture of your organisation? What if our predictive algorithm using big data provides you insights on the employee's behaviour before you decide to get the candidate on board to your organisation. Our system is able to produce wider insights with up to date information and making the whole recruitment activity more cost effective and practical.

Case Study

Closing the Loop on Workforce Planning, Analytics and Hiring

Linking the workforce planning and the talent acquisition helps organisations in maintaining a strong team to deliver the business needs. Employee lifecycle is a very common topic these days and how do we ensure that we manage it correctly?

Insights are important for any organisation to keep up with skills shortage. Therefore, a close loop between business strategy, workforce planning and talent acquisition is needed for the organisation to compete in the competitive market.

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