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Device Vision helps organisations in digital transformation which focusing on the customer journey in onboarding, engaging and retaining the customers. Organisations need to embrace technology to deliver an unmatched customer experience. We are here to enable and shifting the focus from traditional, offline strategies to modern digital strategies to improve customer experience.

Customer Onboarding

When a customer wants to apply for a product via a digital channel, the customer can be verified remotely using the e-KYC (electronic-know-your-customer) technology which the ID is captured using the real time OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and remote facial verification with liveliness detection and facial recognition. On top of that the ID shall be checked against our database on AML/CFT in ensuring compliance with the regulatory requirements.

The whole onboarding process is seamless and fast as compared to the traditional methods.

Customer Engagement

Customers have to remember tremendous amount of username and password for different purposes. Wouldn't it be great if your customers can perform a transaction without the need to use the username and password and at the same time using the highly secured features on Push Authentication with seamless user experience.

If you have official documents to send, it can be digitalised with digital signatures which makes the whole process faster, secured and traceable.

Customer Retention

We need to make sure satisfaction is fulfilled in the whole customer journey. With the constantly changing market trends, the rich telco data refines the market insights which organisations could leverage them to have a targeted marketing towards their customers. Rest assure that the personal data is securely guarded, our system is able to produce geographical insights that is up to date which gives organisations the opportunity to proactively engage with customers in a more cost effective and practical ways.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

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